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Tuesday, 4 April 2017

Brother Tobe's Diary 2

A short story

Click HERE for all episodes of Brother Tobe's Diary

Both our voices were nearly drowned by the sound of the splattering rain on the roof. We had to keep our eyes on each other's lips, that way, we were able to understand each other.

My wet shoes were already chilling on a nearby desk inside the classroom. We both sat on different desks and I saw that moment as one that I wouldn't like to waste.

We spent some time in there in silence, I was arranging my lines and proof reading them in my mind. When you don't have money like I don't have, you will have to plan your wooing method critically but when you are rich, the money speaks for you.

"So how is school?" I asked her.
"I'm not in school yet, I am preparing for jamb."
I nodded.
She happened to be writing her second Jamb exam and still shooting for medicine. She seemed not to realize she was in Nigeria.

We talked and one thing to another, I asked her to come closer so we could hear each other better. She did and I dropped my hand on her shoulder, we could feel each other's breath as we sat there on the table, skin to skin.

"I like you," I blurted out after searching and not finding any decent indirect way of putting it. She just smiled and murmured a thank you.
"I don't need a thank you," I said and she turned to look at me.
"What do you need?"
"It's only natural that when a guy tells a girl that he likes her, she should say I like you too."
"Hmmm, Okay I have heard," she replied.

I made her drop her head on my shoulder and she obliged. I thought getting closer to her was rather too easy, cute girls like her don't just follow guys that easily, except she was already into me before time. I didn't mind, it rather made my job easier for me.

"I like you Amaka," I whispered again and took a deep breath, my right hand squeezing her hand.
"I like you too," she murmured and I smiled. My journey in the choir was about to get fruitful. I wasn't tempted to woo her straight but then, I didn't want to push my luck further, I wanted things to fall naturally into place, that way, should things ever flop, she can't go around telling everyone that Brother Tobenna wooed her.

As usual, we made our epic entrance into our choir practice venue, this time, leaving everyone more confused. Of course I had let go of her hand, but the attraction was there, you would readily know that something was happening or about to happen between us two, our being there together was more than innocent.

This time around, we sat together at the back, our skins rubbing against each other's. We sang to the lord like a couple in a duet performance. It was fun that way, the thrill of a fresh looming relationship was all over me. We would steal glances from time to time and a smile will light up at the corner of our lips.

The practice ended around 9:30 pm. Everywhere was dark as should be but the street lights on the road lit up the way. We or rather, I chose the dark path, she just followed. We took our own special part, away from the crowd of fellow choir members.

We walked in the darkness, our fingers intertwined, trying hard not to trip over.

"Can we walk to the church together tomorrow?" I asked.
"Maybe, if you meet up with me, you know you are always late."
I laughed and she joined me.
"But I'm always there before you."
"How do you know?"
"I just know because I'm always looking out for you," I replied and she laughed.
"By what time will you come out?" she asked me and I did my calculations. I loved being late for everything and if the time for an even was 6 am, I would start preparing by 5:59 am.

"5:45 am, is that okay?"
"Hmm, sure, just don't keep me waiting."
I nodded and we stopped right in front of their house.

"So it's Goodnight then," I said, rubbing her hands. She rubbed mine in return.
"See you tomorrow," she whispered and turned to go.
"I could have kissed you," I whispered after her and she giggled.
"Let's wait for tomorrow okay?"
"Okay, I shrugged and turned on my way home, swimming half caked mud in the dark.

I opened our door quietly and walked pass my father who was already snoring away in the parlor, the Tv blasting the whole place with nobody watching.

I dragged myself up to my room and fell on my bed all satisfied, my times in the church choir was finally worth it. I pulled the dirty shoes from my feet and flung them against my shoe rack, it managed not to pull everything down. I then relaxed again, gathering the strength I would use to walk into the kitchen for my dinner, just then, it occurred to me that I didn't get Amaka's number, the appetite vanished. 

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